
 purple oxalis leaves

Oxalis is an enchanting plant with over 500 known varieties, in shades of emerald, chartreuse, and purple. Delicate, triangle-shaped leaves perch in trios atop upright stems.

They follow the circadian rhythm, unfurling their leaves in the morning, and folding them up at night, making them an excellent companion for your bedside.

 how this nature nurtures you 

They are excellent air purifiers, and add cheer and whimsy to your space.

Oxalis require a period of dormancy, and re-emerge after a month or so. They remind us of nature’s cycles, and that taking time to regenerate is important for our growth.

 how to nurture your nature 


Tropical regions worldwide


Water deeply, then allow the top 3 centimeters of soil to dry out before rewatering. Cease watering during dormancy, and resume when new sprouts appear.


Medium to bright light, such as an east-facing window, is preferred


18-30 degrees Celsius


Additional humidity is not necessary, but misting occasionally is welcome.


May cause irritation to humans and animals if consumed


Feed every month in the spring and summer with an all purpose fertilizer.  Apply to damp soil so you don't burn the roots.  


 This plant produces delicate little bell-shaped lilac coloured flowers.  When several have grown, gently tug near the base of the flower stem and they will pop out.  A little dainty bouquet looks beautiful on a bathroom counter or beside the kitchen sink.  Doing this also signals to the plant to produce more.  

Watch a lovely 3-minute video on Oxalis plant care


Tropical regions worldwide


Water deeply, then allow the top 3 centimeters of soil to dry out before rewatering. Cease watering during dormancy, and resume when new sprouts appear.


Medium to bright light, such as an east-facing window, is preferred


18-30 degrees Celsius


Additional humidity is not necessary, but misting occasionally is welcome.


May cause irritation to humans and animals if consumed


Feed every month in the spring and summer with an all purpose fertilizer.  Apply to damp soil so you don't burn the roots.  



 Watch a lovely 3-minute video on Oxalis plant care


Tropical regions worldwide


Water deeply, then allow the top 3 centimeters of soil to dry out before rewatering. Cease watering during dormancy, and resume when new sprouts appear.


Medium to bright light, such as an east-facing window, is preferred


18-30 degrees Celsius


Additional humidity is not necessary, but misting occasionally is welcome.


May cause irritation to humans and animals if consumed


Feed every month in the spring and summer with an all purpose fertilizer.  Apply to damp soil so you don't burn the roots.  



 Watch a lovely 3-minute video on Oxalis plant care